
Free access to scientific topics for everyone

Under the slogan CURIOSITY. KNOWLEDGE. FUTURE., the cooperation partners German Graduate School of Management and Law (GGS), Heilbronner Stimme and the Dieter Schwarz Foundation have initiated the “Bürger-Uni” series of lectures, allowing interested members of the public free access to scientific topics. Since 2019, the Technical University of Munich has also been a partner to the project.

Each year, three free lectures with alternating speakers and topics take place in the assembly hall at the Bildungscampus of the Dieter Schwarz Foundation.

With this format, the cooperation partners aim to make knowledge and science accessible to everyone. The decision as to which lectures are chosen is made based on current topics that are important to our society and whose contents have high scientific and socio-political relevance. The Bildungscampus is not only open to students, teachers and employees, it also wants to get citizens of Heilbronn and interested people from the region of all ages interested in scientific topics.

Dates for Bürger-Uni (the lectures will be held in German)

You can find dates for 2023 here:
To the dates

Die TUM Campus Heilbronn gGmbH
Bildungscampus 2
74076 Heilbronn

Phone: +49 7131 645636-0

Contact at the Foundation

Julia Väth
Phone: +49 7132 30-7032

Send an email